Medicine for medical translators from English into Spanish

The vast majority of specialized medical translators from English into Spanish have gaps of varying size in their medical training, when they do not lack it completely. But they all know that it is essential for them to master many basic aspects of the science of Galen, in order to perform high-quality translations related to it. And there are hardly any courses specifically dedicated to teaching the rudiments of medicine that are essential for medical translation.
To meet this need, in late 2013 I proposed to the International University Menéndez Pelayo (UIMP) give a workshop on medical translation in which devoted several hours a day where dedicated to talking about «Medicine for medical translators.» The course was held from 16th to 20th June 2014 at the Palacio de la Magdalena in Santander, and was a huge success which was sponsored by the Esteve Foundation.
In 2015 I started to teach a series of 6 Alexandria webinars entitled «Medicine for medical translators” and, I must say, was also a resounding success. The six webinars, about 90 minutes each, were held on the second Wednesday of each month, and were dedicated to specific translation problems of:
1. Cardiovascular System.
2. Respiratory System.
3. Gastrointestinal System.
4. Musculoskeletal System.
5. Nervous System.
6. Endocrine System.
In every chapter of this first season, the medical foundations (anatomy, physiology, pathopshysiology, and tests) of each study and, above all, the specific translation problems generated by this translator, were explained by myself, a physician and a translator who knows them perfectly.
Each chapter (in Spanish) can be purchased separately for the price of 32 euros (excluding VAT), and the complete series at the exceptional price of 100 euros (without VAT).
For 2016 I’m preparing the second season, which begins on January 13th at 17:00 CET. The webinars will be also taught the second Wednesday of each month from January to June, will last about 90 minutes, and will address:
This second full season  (in Spanish) costs 150 euros (without VAT) if you acquire it complete, but can attend each webinar separately at the price of 30 euros (excluding VAT).

Whether if you are a experienced medical translator and wish to deepen your specialized medical training, or if you just finished the translation career and want to specialize in medical translation, these two sets of webinars are essential for you.
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